I try to challenge myself during the challenge and that usually means there is slightly less stamping than I generally post. Generally I also find that I enjoy the non-stamped manicures more. I love the way stamped nail art looks, but it just feels like I put a little less of myself into it compared to using other techniques, it's less personal for me somehow.
Day 1, Red Nails - My first manicure ended up looking so nice despite my feelings of hesitation mid-way. For sure a personal favourite!
Day 2, Orange Nails
Day 3, Yellow Nails - As Sharpies are quite imprecise I was super happy with this flowery manicure.
Day 4, Green Nails
Day 5, Blue Nails
Day 6, Violet Nails
Day 7, Black and White Nails
Day 8, Metallic Nails
Day 9, Rainbow Nails
Day 10, Gradient Nails
Day 11, Polka Dots
Day 12, Stripes
Day 13, Animal Print
Day 14, Flowers - This is one of the challenge manicures I wore for longer than a day and I'm very happy to have done so! A personal favourite.
Day 15, Delicate Print
Day 16, Geometric Nails
Day 17, Glitter Nails
Day 18, Half Moons
Day 19, Galaxy Nails - Personal favourite!
Day 20, Water Marble
Day 21, Inspired by a Colour
Day 22, Inspired by a Song - A great song inspired this manicure and I must say I think it's a great mani!
Day 23, Inspired by a Movie - My favourite stamped look of the challenge!
Day 24, Inspired by a Book
Day 26, Inspired by a Pattern (picture ended up being in the wrong order)
Day 25, Inspired by Fashion (picture ended up being in the wrong order)
Day 27, Inspired by Art - I'm over my initial criticism about the fence and just enjoy this fun nail art.
Day 28, Inspired by a FlagDay 29, Inspired by the Supernatural
Day 30, Inspired by a Tutorial - Initially felt annoyed it didn't end up looking like Paulina's but now I'm loving these nails just the way they are!
Day 31, Honor Nails You Love
PÃ¥ svenska:
Dags att se tillbaka på den stora utmaningen och vad jag egentligen hann med! Jag har bilder på alla 31 manikyrer och förstås länkar tillbaka till inläggen samt små kommentarer på de manikyrer som jag själv gillade bäst. Du hittar samma sak för mina tidigare utmaningar här; 2016, 2015, 2014 och 2013.
Jag försöker att utmana mig själv lite under utmaningen och det betyder vanligen att jag har lite mindre stämpling än jag vanligen visar. Det brukar också visa sig att jag gillar de manikyrer som inte är stämplade lite extra. Jag tycker ju verkligen om stämpling och resultatet du kan få till men samtidigt känner jag att det är lite mindre av mig själv i de resultaten (även där jag sliter mitt hår för att få ihop det) jämfört med om jag använder andra tekniker.