Today's design is a simple stamped nail design. I don't stamp as often as I used to, but sometimes it's exactly what I need!
Polishes used: KIKO 340, LA Girl Teal Diamond and Essie Good as Gold
Today's design is a simple stamped nail design. I don't stamp as often as I used to, but sometimes it's exactly what I need!
I've been in a bit of a nail- and blogging lull for the last year or so. I didn't think the pandemic would have such an effect on my interest in keeping my nails nice and colourful but turns out it did.
I have decided to accept that my attention is currently not 100 percent focused on nails, and therefore I will blog sporadically, when I feel like it. Since I last posted, S and I bought our first car, so we are now mobile in a Covid-safe way! It feels great, and the pain of street parking hasn't quite struck yet ^-^.
These nails are apparently from April, so they've been sitting on the camera's memory card for a while before I got round to editing and now posting. Since then I've lost track of whose manicure I was inspired by, so I can't link and give credit, but will just say that this is inspired by someone on Instagram.Jag har beslutat mig för att acceptera att jag just nu bara har lust att blogga ibland, lite sporadiskt. Mitt fokus är på andra saker så det får bli inlägg när andan faller på. Sen mitt sista inlägg har S och jag köpt oss vår första bil, så vi är nu mobila på ett Covid-säkert sätt! Det känns jätteroligt, och besväret med att parkera på gatan har inte riktigt hunnit landa än ^-^.
Dagens naglar är från i april, så det har fått hänga på kamerans minneskort ett tag innan jag nu editerat och lägger upp dem på bloggen. Under den tiden har jag slarvat bort inspirationsbilden jag utgick från, så kan tyvärr inte säga något om vem som gjort originalet, bara att jag hittat det på Instagram (förstås).
Keeping it brief today as the still strong afternoon sun is awaiting me!
This is more or less the same look I did a couple of weeks back with some wide gel stripes. I met my 2.5 year old niece wearing this look and she was very fascinated by it, looking at her own miniature nails in comparison ^-^.Decided to step it up a notch and do some stamping this morning.